Training seminar is a prerequisite for
operating the LVA 6.50 software

The LVA 6.50 system is a professional system, and using it effectively goes hand in hand with appropriate training.

A training seminar is a prerequisite for operating the LVA 6.50 software. The future user/analyst must have a foundation in both the relevant psychological principles and in the proper techniques of interviewing/interrogation. Even our basic-level training seminars are tuned to the needs of specific users, whether they are fraud examiners, law enforcement personnel, or prevention loss professionals.

The training seminars are universally the same in content, regardless of the location in which they are held. There are several levels for certification, as follows:

Basic Level 1: This training seminar is 5 days in duration. Its scope will be the Online and Offline modes’ operation of the LVA system.

Advanced Level 2: This seminar is available for law enforcement personnel following 100 hours of use on LVA 6.50 modes. This seminar will be dedicated to understanding the limitations of LVA, how to overcome those, and advanced interviewing and interrogation techniques using LVA.

Advanced Level 3: Going beyond LVA – this training seminar focuses more on experiential work with the LVA system for research purposes.

Lecture topics and material

  • Voice analysis: What is it and what is it based on? Discussion of the various systems available and how they differ. The rationale behind the LVA technology, psychological parameters and why Layered Voice Analysis technology is more effective.

  • History of truth verification. This will include all the various techniques of truth verification, including SCAN, kinesics, and behavioral interviewing. A special section will be devoted to the Polygraph. It is important that all trainees are as greatly familiar with the polygraph methods of operation.

  • Physiology of voice. How it is developed, learned, and how sounds are actually created.

  • Psychology of deception. Why some people are effective liars and others are neither effective nor persuasive. What happens to people, psychologically and physiologically when they lie. How does the individual attempt to control these phenomena and how does the person actively try to convince the interviewer of his sincerity/truthfulness.

  • Intro to interviewing and interrogation techniques (short term and long term). Development and proper use of the protocol worksheet.

  • Interpersonal relationship development between interviewee-interviewer. Creation of the proper psychological environment.

  • Questionnaire construction (5 classic W and H). How to create new questionnaire templates.

  • The telephone interview. On-line, open-ended, and hands-on workshop. Structuring a format and sticking with it despite the open-ended character of the conversation.

  • Offline analysis of various situations. Use of the graphs, segment breakdown, and content analysis.

  • Offline analysis of actual cases. Emphasis is experiential work/practice.

  • Differential decision Making. A subject may not be deceptive about his own activities, yet may be holding back about others (guilty knowledge). Also, proper utilization of the worksheet in this context.

  • Report writing and Submission of your findings. Substantiating your decisions and being able to explain your reasons to those who have requested the examination.

  • Interviewer/Interrogator techniques for breaking through a subject’s defenses where guilt is nearly a foregone conclusion, yet a complete “confession” has not yet been obtained.

  • Technical data Interpretation (TDI) solidifying your position.

  • Introduction to the Interrogation mode. One lecture, no experiential/hands-on work.

  • Professional code of conduct.

  • End examination, certification discussed and diplomas distributed.

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